About me

I’m a second-year postgraduate student from Multimodal Intelligence Lab, University of Science and Technology of China.

I am very fortunate to be advised by Associate Prof. Jiawei Liu and Prof. Zheng-jun Zha from National Engineering Laboratory for Brain-inspired Intelligence Technology and Application.

My research interests are broadly in Multi-Modal Learning and Computer Vision, with particular interests in human-object interaction understanding currently.

Education Experience

  • M.S. in Hefei, University of Science and Technology of China, 2023-2026 (expected)
  • B.S. in Shenyang, Northeastern University, 2019-2023


Honors & Scholarship

  • National Scholarship (top 1%), 2020
  • Principal’s Medal of NEU, top 10 of all currently enrolled students, 2023
  • Outstanding Winner (top 0.16%) and AMS Award (top 0.02%) of the International Collegiate Mathematical Modeling Competition, 2022.
  • First-Class Scholarship of NEU (top 3%), 2020/2023
  • First-Class Scholarship of USTC, 2023/2024
  • Second-Class Scholarship of NEU (top 10%), 2021/2022
  • Outstanding graduates of Liaoning Province (top 2%), 2023
  • Excellent Student Model of NEU (top 2%), 2020
  • Excellent Graduation Thesis of NEU (top 1%), 2023
